During November, the students in grades K-5 will be learning about the artists Pablo Picasso and Henri Matisse. Since we just got a new data projector and elmo in the artroom, we will be learning about these artists using the internet.
All students will watch a streaming video of a book called WHEN PIGASSO MET MOOTISSE. Then grades k-2 will go to a site where they can make a Matisse cutouts design. They will take turns doing it online as well as recreating theirs on paper. The final class design will be printed. At the end, we will go to another link that has a Matisse Pictures matching game.
Grades 3-5 after viewing the video of the book, will go to the Baltimore Museum of Art via the internet. As a class, they will read and follow the activities of Matisse’s dog, Raudy. They will look at paintings and learn about his style of painting. They will collect objects from his paintings and put them in a portfolio for the final project. The class will design a room that is in the style of Matisse. We will print and display the final class project.
The second week of November, we will continue with lessons on Matisse. The final 2 weeks, all grades will explore Pablo Picasso with different lessons for each grade level.
I have put the links we have used so your child may share them with you at home and do some that their grade level has not yet done.
Have fun…
Links for this activity are at the top on the left side of blog