Students in grade 3will be learning about pattern in a different culture. They will look at Matrasinka Dolls from Russia. You can view the powerpoint that introduces them by clicking on the link below
Students created a landscape with construction paper. They divided their paper into thirds for the foreground, middleground and background. They tore paper to create mountains and clouds. To create an organic line for the tree, they blew paint thru a straw. Tissue paper was used to create blossoms.
Students will begin the year with a study of the art element of LINE during September. Stay tuned to see some awesome artwork in the coming weeks.
Check out the pictures of the examples of the angry birds the students got to make. Go to the home page to see them.
Comments from 3BA...
Students created a landscape with construction paper. They divided their paper into thirds for the foreground, middleground and background. They tore paper to create mountains and clouds. To create an organic line for the tree, they blew paint thru a straw. Tissue paper was used to create blossoms.
Students will begin the year with a study of the art element of LINE during September. Stay tuned to see some awesome artwork in the coming weeks.
Check out the pictures of the examples of the angry birds the students got to make. Go to the home page to see them.
Comments from 3BA...
aaliyah; art u can draw really cool things. and next year i would like to do that kniting
Bhargavi Ialways really can't wait for art just bbecause we have art on Fridays ,fridays are my favirite day
Vedika:At art making things like the mother's day purse is a lot of fun.
Comments from 3A
Poorna... Mrs. Hemmens has planned some very cool projects for us during the school year.My favorite was the Mother's day purse.
Disha ...Mrs Hemmen's plan's cool projects for us.
Pratham:You rule!!! Most of all you give us computer/art awsamness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lauren...I love what Mrs. Hemmens has planed for us and i am looking forward to the clay angry birds.
angela... i love what mrs. Hemmens has doen in art with us she is awesome.i really like what she did with the clay angry brids this year. i hope i get them back.
May 21-25
Classes who have earned points for good work and behaviour will be enjoying some 3d/form lessons creating some of the angry birds. We will be using craft foam scraps, paper towel rolls, clay, balloons, etc. to create some of those birds. Students will learn to create these figures in various types of 3d sculptures. A lot of fun taking a 2d picture and turning it into a 3d form.Angry birds rule!!!!!!!!!1
May 21-25
Classes who have earned points for good work and behaviour will be enjoying some 3d/form lessons creating some of the angry birds. We will be using craft foam scraps, paper towel rolls, clay, balloons, etc. to create some of those birds. Students will learn to create these figures in various types of 3d sculptures. A lot of fun taking a 2d picture and turning it into a 3d form.Angry birds rule!!!!!!!!!1
We are springing into the art element of FORM for the next couple of weeks. All classes will be making shoes as their 3d form lesson. Third grade used paper to create these Native American mocassins and the Asian Indian slippers. This is the construction of them and next week will be the embellishment of designs.
Students worked in groups to create the colors of the color wheel using only the primary colors of red, yellow and blue.
During the month of October/November, the students will be studying SHAPE. The students learned about organic and geometric shapes. They made a design of fall leaves (organic shapes). They made their own leaf tracers and outlined them with chalk. They placed the tracer on the paper and then rubbed the chalk onto the paper. As they lifted the leaf off, they created a negative shape. You saw the shape of the leaf because of the outline of chalk. In their design they were to overlap, go off the page, repeat, etc. The first week of November, they will learn about Cubism and the artist Pablo Picasso.
The culminating activity for our line unit was to make a Paper strip sculpture of a person using a variety of lines. Thank you 3BA for some great LINE PEOPLE!!
During the month of September, the students will be studying LINE. To create these aliens , they needed to 1. draw contour lines around their name 2. Repetition of those lines 3. colored in the middle symmetrically. This is work from 3BR the students who sit at yellow table.
For the first week of Art, all students designed a paper graphic t-shirt. They drew examples of our cool tools, that we use weekly, from our school wide PBIS program. for more info.
Posted below are some t-shirt designs by 3BA. All students t-shirts will eventually be displayed during the year on the office hallway bulletin board, as their class earns their gold tickets for the week.
Feb. 20th - Here is a sampling of the wonderful artwork the students did.
Feb. 7-11
Students will be working on a picture for the school's Square Art Fundraiser.
Posted below are some t-shirt designs by 3BA. All students t-shirts will eventually be displayed during the year on the office hallway bulletin board, as their class earns their gold tickets for the week.
Feb. 20th - Here is a sampling of the wonderful artwork the students did.
Feb. 7-11
Students will be working on a picture for the school's Square Art Fundraiser.
Packets of student work will go home the week of Dec. 13th
This past quarter all the students have been learning about the artists Henri Mattise and Pablo Picasso. They watched a video of a reading of the book “When Pigasso met Mootise.” Then we did some online activities as a class. (All of this and LOTS more) is available on my blog
Each grade level did different lessons on these artists. Please take time to share this packet with your child and talk about it. You may want to hang up some of the pictures, get them framed, and send or give them to other relatives.
Ms. Sue Hemmens—
May Watts Art Teacher for 22 years
· Student cut out an interesting black frame area
· Student made a symmetrical or asymmetrical design
· with organic shapes using tissue paper
· All the pieces of tissue are glued down firmly
· Student created a Matisse style design
· Student drew a realistic face
· Student drew facial features (eyes, etc) in correct place
· Student painted neatly
· Student painted with colors in the style of Matisse
· Student made a musician Picasso style
· Student used geometric shapes and a variety of papers
· Musician stays glued together
· Student includes their musician in the group picture
· Group decorated black paper
Characteristics of the fifth grade child in Art..
- love being designers-doing an actual assignment to design clothing, furniture, a house, etc.
- interested in learning new tools and techniques; capable of working with almost any material
- some lose confidence in their artistic ability because their drawings are not "real" enough or thik their classmates projects are better
- giftedness in art becomes more apparent at this age when children who love art and will devote long hours to doing it
- able to concentrate for much longer periods of time
Feb. 20th - Here is a sampling of the wonderful artwork the students did for the Square 1 Art Project. I even took the pictures with our new Elmo document camera...
Feb. 7-11
Students will be working on a picture for the school's Square Art Fundraiser.
This past quarter all the students have been learning about the artists Henri Mattise and Pablo Picasso. They watched a video of a reading of the book “When Pigasso met Mootise.” Then we did some online activities as a class. (All of this and LOTS more) is available on my blog . Go back to the home page to do this.
Each grade level did different lessons on these artists. Please take time to share this packet with your child and talk about it. You may want to hang up some of the pictures, get them framed, and send or give them to other relatives.
Ms. Sue Hemmens Art Teacher - for 22 years.
· Student drew a realistic face with features in the right place
· Student made a variety of patterns surrounding the face
· Student colored the picture neatly and with a variety of colors
· Student worked equally with their partner
· Student used only organic shapes
· Student used a complimentary color scheme
· All shapes stayed glue down
· Student drew a stuffed animal as large as the paper
· Student drew horizontal, vertical, and diagonal lines across the paper
· Student used cool colors for one area (animal OR background)
· and used warm colors for the other area.
· Student painted neatly and completely
If any of their work is not included in the packet they may have been absent OR their work is hanging in the hall OR I may have kept it for the festival.
EVALUATIONS OF ART WORK GRADES 3-5 Your child is graded according to these objectives.Characteristics of the third grade child in Art..
- enthusiastic, open to new experiences and using new materials
- interested in learning to draw realistically, frustrated at times when they are not able to
- appreciate that fantasy exists in the imagination, and may be used in artwork
- enjoy art museum visits and learning about the role of artists in society.