The students have been evaluated on their creativity and artistic skills. These skills include coloring, drawing themself, making a design, and creating with paper. They also did some writing to share what they like/dislike doing in art and what they might want help with.
New lessons begin this week. Most classes will be working with the Art elements of LINE and SH
APE. The artroom has a new data projector and a ELMO (computer camera) . With this technology, I can draw on a whiteboard under the camera and the image is projected onto the chalkboard or movie screen. Gone are the days of drawing on the chalkboard and trying to make sure that everyone in the class can see what you are doing. Also no more of the gather around Ms. Hemmens at the table to see how to paint or maybe make something with clay. All I have to do is work under the camera and it shows on the screen for all to see!!! I also have the computer hooked up and can show examples of student work (courtesy of the site...Artsonia) of the lessons we will be working on. I am very excited about using this new technology ( I guess you can teach an OLD dog new tricks).
I hope to have student artwork from these lessons up next week. Be sure to stop by the garden of Art to see what is blooming in the artroom.